
Support groups and individual counseling are available. Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the support groups are discussed below. If you would like to sign up, please fill out the brief questionnaire (Register). If you have questions, contact Cindy at

1. Support Groups

Support Groups can be an effective way to offer the emotional support and education a bereaved person is seeking. A support group is not a therapy group.  While it can most definitely be therapeutic, it is distinct from therapy groups in that it does not focus on the psychological growth of the individual members, as most therapy groups would.  Support groups can offer people who are grieving a supportive environment in which to work through some of their grief when, for many there may be few places in their circle of friends and family in which they can get the support and be themselves as they grieve.  The following are frequently asked questions about Cindy’s grief support groups:

Q: Who will facilitate it?

A: Cindy will lead the groups. She holds a M.S. in Human Behavior and is Certified as a Grief Counselor (GC-C) through the American Academy of Grief Counseling at the American Institute of Health Care Professionals.

Q: Where will the program take place?

A: Until it is safe to meet in person, the group will meet online via Zoom.

Q: How many people will be in the group?

A: It is commonly felt that a support group is best with a minimum of 5 people and a maximum of 10.

Q: What format will the group follow?

A: Support groups are typically either “open” or “closed”. The goal of Cindy’s group is to provide a platform for both education and emotional support and therefore her groups will be closed.  A closed group allows for bonding among members, which means they may trust and share more, as well as having a greater likelihood of developing new friendships.  Potential members are required to complete a very brief questionnaire prior to the start of each group, as Cindy would like to make contact to meet everyone.

Q: How often will the group meet?

A: Each group will meet weekly for 8 weeks for 60-90 minute sessions. See the Support Group Schedule for dates.

Q: Is there a fee to enroll in the group?

A: There is no cost to participate.  Cindy is affiliated with a local 501(c)(3) non-profit, Today’s Woman Foundation (TWF), and donations are always welcome. To learn more about TWF, or to donate, please visit

2. Individual Grief Counseling

There is a distinction between the goal of grief therapy and the goal of grief counseling.  The goal in grief counseling is to facilitate the normal tasks of mourning so that the mourner makes a better adaptation to the loss.  In grief therapy, the goal is to identify and resolve the conflicts of separation that prevent the completion of mourning tasks in individuals whose grief is chronic, delayed, excessive, or masked as physical symptoms. 

Normal grief feels anything but “normal” and encompasses a wide range of feelings, cognitions, physical sensations and behavioral changes that are common after a loss.  Some characteristics of normal grief reactions are:

  • Somatic or bodily distress of some type
  • Preoccupation with the image of the deceased
  • Guilt relating to the deceased or circumstances of the death
  • Hostile reactions
  • Inability to function as one had before the loss

There is a fee for Individual Sessions. If you have questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact Cindy at or leave a message at (760) 946-0869.